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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Treatment Concealer Review

I use this product daily. It doesn't settle into fine lines, it is creamy, and goes on smoothly. And the wonderful thing is that it is inexpensive. It's simple to use and you can throw it in your makeup bag without any mess. I absolutely love this product. I recommend it to everyone! I use the brightener/illuminator shade and it really does brighten. You can find it at any local drugstore. I cannot say enough about this truly wonderful product as it is my favorite concealer. Although I am not sure if they carry colors for darker skintones, but the one I use may be good for darker ladies. It is worth a try, and for the price you cannot beat this concealer. I would have to say that I would give this product a thumbs up for every category that a concealer would rate in. I hope that you will try this and let me know what you think of it! Have a wonderful day and please subscribe!

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